We all want to get a good deal on expenses like car insurance. A number of factors affect the annual premiums for car insurance. These include the climate, the number of motorists on the roadways, the public transportation system in the area, the crime rate, as well as the number of uninsured drivers in the area. Interested in learning which US cites offer the cheapest premiums? Read through the top 13 US cities for cheap car insurance. How does your city compare?
13. Albuquerque, New Mexico
Average Annual Premium: $1,442.01
With a population of nearly 546,000 people, Albuquerque is the most populated city in New Mexico and the 32nd largest city in the U.S. This centrally located city which is bordered by the Sandia Mountains on the east, is home to the University of New Mexico, the Kirtland Air Force Base, the Sandia National Laboratories and the Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute.
12. Birmingham, Alabama
Average Annual Premium: $1,429.36
Alabama’s largest city, Birmingham is home to nearly 213,000 residents. Birmingham was once the primary industrial city of the south and today ranks as one of the most important business centers in the Southeastern United States. It is also one of the largest banking centers in the country. Birmingham is home to a number of private tertiary institutions including the University of Alabama at Birmingham, as well as five law schools. Birmingham is often regarded as one of the best cities to work in the U.S. due to its competitive salaries and low living costs.
11. Des Moines, Iowa
Average Annual Premium: $1,420.07
Des Moines is the capital and most populous city in Iowa with nearly 204,000 people. Des Moines is not only a major center of the U.S. insurance industry, it is also home to many financial institutions and publishing companies. Forbes magazine named Des Moines as the “Best Place for Business” in both 2010 and 2013. In 2014, NBC ranked Des Moines as the “Wealthiest City in America.” We can add one of the top US cities for cheap car insurance to that glowing list.
10. Montgomery, Alabama
Average Annual Premium: $1,375.82
Alabama’s capital city is home to nearly 206,000 residents and is the second largest city in Alabama following Birmingham. Montgomery houses the Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama State University, Troy University, Auburn University at Montgomery, Faulkner University and Huntingdon College as well as the high-tech manufacturing company Hyundai Motor Manufacturing. Montgomery continues to be recognized for its downtown revitalization projects and has been named the “Best Historic City” in America. Cheap car insurance prices only add to Montgomery’s appeal.
9. Spokane, Washington
Average Annual Premium: $1,307.68
The city of Spokane sits west of the Rocky Mountain foothills on the Spokane River in eastern Washington state. Spokane is the second largest city in Washington with a population of approximately 209,000. It’s major economic industries include aerospace manufacturing, health sciences, professional services, information science and technology, finance and insurance. It’s also big on clean technology and digital media.
8. Fayetteville, North Carolina
Average Annual Premium: $1,294.80
Fayetteville is home to nearly 204,500 residents as well as Fort Bragg, the U.S. Army installation which lies northwest of the city. Fayetteville has received the “All-America City” award three times and was ranked in the “Top 5 Defense Industry Development” areas in the U.S. Fayetteville was also recently named as one of the top cities to retire in by Where to Retire magazine. Cheap car insurance prices can be attributed to North Carolina’s Safe Driver Incentive Plan which promotes safe driving by increasing insurance costs for unsafe drivers.
7. Rochester, New York
Average Annual Premium: $1,249.26
Rochester is the third most populous city in New York, following New York City and Buffalo, with a population of 210,565. Rochester is an international center of higher education, as well as medical and technological development. It is home to the esteemed University of Rochester and the Rochester Institute of Technology. In 2012, Kiplinger rated Rochester as the fifth best city for families, citing top public schools, a low unemployment rate and a low cost of living – including car insurance prices.
6. Boise, Idaho
Average Annual Premium: $1,221.65
Idaho’s capital and most populous city, Boise, has a population of nearly 206,000. Technology investment and the high-tech industry have become very important to the vitality of Boise’s economy. Boise is also the headquarters for major companies including Albertsons, J.R. Simplot Company, Idaho Pacific Lumber Company, Idaho Timber, WinCo Foods, Bodybuilding.com, and Clearwater Analytics. Not only is Boise a thriving city, it also boasts some of the lowest car insurance prices in the country due to its low crime rate and lack of congestion on the major roadways.
5. Charlotte, North Carolina
Average Annual Premium: $1,123.09
Charlotte is the largest city in North Carolina with a population of approximately 793,000. The city is also the second largest financial center in the country following NYC, as it’s home to both the Bank of America and Wells Fargo’s East Coast headquarters. Charlotte’s mild climate and minimal traffic congestion keep the city’s car insurance rates relatively low.
4. Durham, North Carolina
Average Annual Premium: $1,100.50
Durham, which is home to Duke University and North Carolina Central University, is also one of the vertices of the Research Triangle in the area. The city is home to over 245,000 people and is currently undergoing a major downtown revitalization project as many historic tobacco buildings are being converted into housing developments. Like Charlotte, Durham’s mild climate and efficient public transportation system alleviates traffic congestion and in turn lowers annual car insurance premiums.
3. Raleigh, North Carolina
Average Annual Premium: $1,098.48
Known as the “City of Oaks” thanks to the number of beautiful oak trees that line the capital city’s streets, Raleigh boasts a population of nearly 432,000. Raleigh, like Durham, is also part of the Research Triangle and it often regarded as one of the fastest growing cities in the country. Raleigh’s extensive public transportation system minimizes roadway traffic and the city also has one of the lowest rates of uninsured motorists in the country. These two factors allow Raleigh to be listed in the top 3 US cities for cheap car insurance.
2. Greensboro, North Carolina
Average Annual Premium: $1,089.58
Greensboro is the third largest city in North Carolina with a population of 278,000. The city is home to the Piedmont Triad International Airport as well as an extensive public transport system which includes Amtrak trains that connect to other major U.S. cities including New York and New Orleans. The city has the second lowest car insurance rates thanks to state policies that aim at curbing insurance fraud.
1. Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Average Annual Premium: $969.10
Winston-Salem is the only city in the country to have an annual car insurance premium under $1,000.00. With a population of 236,441, Winston-Salem is the second largest municipality in the Piedmont Triad region and the fourth largest city in the state. The city is home to Wake Forest University and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Winton-Salem is known as a transportation and manufacturing hub in the region. The city’s subtropical climate as well as the low rate of uninsured motorists allow Winston-Salem to offer the lowest car insurance rates in the U.S.