When we travel we often spend so much time packing and weighing our luggage, that we often don’t think about what to wear on the plane. But to avoid some embarrassing situations, here’s a list of Things NOT to Wear on an Airplane.
1. T-shirts with Offensive Text
In some countries they take security so seriously that they will stop you from boarding if your outfit looks offensive in any way. It may sound oppressive, but save your witty t-shirts for after the flight! Be warned.
2. High heels
High heels are always a bad choice when flying. Firstly, when you’re asked to remove them like everybody else, you really don’t want to be walking around barefoot. HPV is a highly contagious virus. Also, during the flight, high heels will become uncomfortable so you’ll want to take them off again. Just think about how many people’s bare feet have been where yours are!
3. Perfume
This one is for the people around you. If you wear too much heavy perfume it can annoy the passengers sat next to you or they might have allergies or asthma on the flight. So think twice before bathing yourself in cologne.
4. Tight clothes
Tight clothes are never a good idea on flights, especially when it’s longer than 4 hours. You might suffer blood circulation issues. Wear loose comfortable clothes or special compression socks, and walk around whenever you can.
5. Complex clothes
You have to remember that the spaces inside the ariplane are very small, especially the bathrooms. So if you have to remove garments and contort into strange positions, just remember there’s not that much elbow room when you’re up there.
6. No Metal
Everything containing metal is always a problem when you have to go through airport security. You will have to remove it all and leave it in a tray. Think about that if your sweater or trousers has metal ornaments on it.
7. Summer Clothes
During the summer we usually wear summer outfits, but it’s not the best option if you are flying on an airplane. They tend to use air conditioning. Veeeery cold air conditioning. So always remember to bring a cardigan or similar and avoid catching a cold on the first few hours of your holiday.
8. Contact lenses
If you have a long flight, it’s better to take your lenses out, especially if you are going to sleep. Due to the constant air conditioning, the humidity can be very low making your lenses get dry and can irritate your eyes.
9. Flip flops
Airports can get very hot sometimes so if you are wearing flip flops you can imagine the result, right? Sweaty, smelly feet that stink of cheese. And again, going barefoot at airport security. So before you get embarrassed smelling bad in a tight space crammed with lots of people, choose better shoes!
10. Large Handbags
You’re on an airplane! Not the beach! Remember, everything is reduced here. Do you really need to bring that huge handbag? Try to choosing a smaller one, not only will the other passengers thank you for it, you will feel more comfortable too.
Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction while flying?
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