Officially known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, it is the sixth most populated country and has the world’s second best performing stock exchange. There are plenty of vast natural hotspots to visit, but before you jump on a plane lets take a look at ten things NOT to do there!
Welcome to Destination Tips, Know before you go!
1. Don’t Expect to Understand English
The English that is spoken in Pakistan, may not be the English you are used to!
The school books in many Pakistani schools are often flawed and so the locals are brought up learning a strange variation of English and will probably think that YOU are the one talking funny!
2. Don’t be a Feminist!
Most locals won’t agree with any views of women empowerment and might even take offence at any equalistic views. The majority of Pakistani men believe that the place for a woman should be behind four walls.
3. Don’t Travel During Ramadan
Ramadan is the Muslim month of fasting, so you should respect this and not be seen eating of drinking in public.
But how does this affect travelling? As nobody is drinking there are often no toilet stops on public transport, sometimes for up to 8 hours!
Luckily, at night time it’s a different story…
4. Don’t Fill Up On Appetisers
When dining in a Pakistani home, they will often have many appetizers and snacks before the meal. Sometimes a great deal of dishes that might make you think that it’s the main course.
As a general rule, if there isn’t bread on the table it’s probably not the main meal.
5. No Means No.
No! Don’t assume no means no! Like in many Asian countries, In Urdu it’s polite to say no thanks, or Nahin shukriya, sometimes up to three times, when accepting something.
Of course, sometimes when you genuinely have to say no put your hand on your heart and say “Bas shukriya”.
6. Don’t Dance at a Dance Party
If some guys invite you to a dance party, it’s more than likely that all the dancing will be done be a teenage girl that they’ve hired to sit around and stare at while they all drink and smoke.
7. Don’t Wear Short Shorts
You might see locals wearing shorts, but that doesn’t mean you can! It might sound racist but some Pakistanis will stare and white skin, being flashed around, and have even been seen to crash motorbikes whilst staring.
You should try a Pakistani dress to avoid attracting the wrong kind of attention.
8. Don’t Be Surprised by Powercuts
All over Pakistan there are frequent power outs. These are highly annoying government-controlled power cuts, usually on the hour during a whole hour. In some places you might only have power for half of the day!
Probably best to pack a flashlight and find out if your hotel has a generator.
9. Don’t Shake Hands!
In Pakistan women only shake hands with other women. If you are a woman don’t shake hands with men and if you are a man don’t touch or shake hands with women.
In fact try to keep touching to a minimum.
10. Don’t say the S-word!
Don’t do it!
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