When we go on holidays, sometimes we prefer to have a relaxing trip, and some others, we prefer adventures. So for those looking for adrenaline, here are The Most Dangerous Tourists Attractions.
1) Danakil Desert, Africa
When we think of desert we think of sand and nothing else. Well, this one is different, this is a desert full of active volcanoes and geysers that spit toxic gases, and of course, under temperatures over 120ºF
2) Running of the Bulls, Spain
In Spain, they have a feat in which they release lots of bulls in a street where hundreds of people in white running in front of them. Of course, there’s always some accident involving this Feast. Who would have guess it, right?
3) Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
This beautiful landscape is seeked from most of the people who visit the area. 700-foot to the Atlantic are too suggestive to avoid having a look. The problem is that people don’t always use the official path or the viewing platforms, and that usually ends in an accident.
4) Hawaii’s Volcano Tours
Volcanoes are amazing, but are also very dangerous and unexpected. So if you go to Hawaii to visit the volcanoes be careful with the lava haze, the scalding ocean water and the possibility of flying rocks. If you do that, you’ll be fine.
5) Skellig Michael, Ireland
To get there, you’ll have to take an hour-long boat ride across rough waters, sometimes boats can’t sail because of the high waves and waters. This place became famous after the shooting for Star Wars. It has 600 ancient steps up the side of the mountain with no safety, and that includes falling rocks and 1000 year old stone stairs.
6) Coiling Dragon Cliff Walkway, China
This is nothing more than a 5ft wide, glass-bottomed walkway at a height of 4,600ft on Hunan’s Tianmen Mountain. You can enjoy this terrifying attraction for 100 metres where you won’t have anything else under your feet than air.
7) Death Road, Bolivia
This is the world’s most dangerous road. Do you really want to try this? the road ascends to around 15,260 ft. Most of the road is the width of a single vehicle. During the rainy seasonthe water can turn the road into a muddy track. We warned you.
8) Eagles Nest Cave, United States
It seems like a regular pond however is actually a sinkhole, and one of the most dangerous diving spots in the world. You can dive 300 feet deep. There are lots of deaths in this aerea, so it’s no joke.
9) Erta Ale Volcano, Africa
To come here, first you have to walk 14-kilometres uphill. Then you’ll find this glowing volcano with a lake of lava. This area is full of earthquake tremors, and volcanic fumes. It really worths it, despite the terribly high temperatures and the rough conditions of the ground to get there.
10) The Colorado River, USA
This river tends to be one of the favourite options to hike, or to do some rafting. However, this river is full of accidents and fatilities. Most of them are due to the increase in the melting snowpack from higher up in Colorado’s mountain ranges, but also using of alcohol and poor equipment or preparation. So get ready before you come!
Did you already visit any of these dangerous attractions?
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