Before visiting a new country, you probably search high and low for all the things you should do during your stay. But what about all the things you shouldn’t do? One thing to be aware of when traveling through Spain is that meal times are a bit different than in the US. Don’t ever think about eating early. Lunch is generally served from 2 to 3 p.m. When dinnertime rolls around, most major restaurants don’t begin serving until 8 p.m. If you don’t think your tummy can make it that long, you can always fill up on some tapas until it’s time to head off to your dinner reservations. We’ve prepared a list of 5 other things NOT to do in Spain.
Have you ever visited Spain, what did you find most interesting about the people and culture?
More About Spain
Video: 10 Crazy Things You Can Do in Magaluf
Video: 8 Things NOT to Do in Barcelona
Video: Barcelona in One Minute
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