If you are planning to travel around Peru, you should know that there are some things you should avoid doing if you don’t want to get in trouble.
So, getting straight into it, here are 10 Things not to Do in Peru.
01 Don’t Book the Cheapest Tours
If you’re planning on booking a tour, try to choose one with a good guide. They will show you the best places and information you wouldn’t have otherwise known. Even if you just want to do some hiking, the guides can show spectacular paths you’ll never forget.
02 Don’t be Rude
While occasionally arrogant and sometimes not very self aware, some tourists, also have the irritating habit of speaking to the Spanish-speaking Peruvian locals in English and when obviously not understood, decid to speak louder, as if somehow the’ll be better understood, or something. This just comes across as rude. So don’t be rude, they’re very nice people.
03 Don’t Take Cheap Buses and strange Taxis
Transport accidents are very common in Peru due to careless drivers and poor road conditions. So, if you want to arrive safely to your destination, it will be better to take the bus instead.
04 Don’t try to save on Food
In Peru you can find many fine dishes that you will absolutely enjoy. So don’t try to buy just the cheapest food. Try some classic dishes instead, like cuy (guinea pig), you’ll only spend a few more bucks but it’s well worth it.
05 Don’t Just Go to Machu Picchu
There are more things in Peru than just Machu Picchu. Sure, it’s amazing and you must go, but don’t limit your trip to just that. The coast or the Peruvian Amazon will amaze you, even the capital deserves a day trip.
06 Don’t forget About Health Concerns
You should avoid drinking tap water and also, don’t think your altitude sickness won’t be a problem for you because it may be. And, of course, don’t forget to receive all the recommended vaccinations before travelling.
07 Don’t forget to Haggle
Peru is a haggling nation, so they expect you to discuss the price with them, especially in touristy markets and souvenir stands. Sometimes you can also haggle with taxi fares because they tend to rise their prices for tourists. Anyway, it’s always better to ask their fare first, to avoid surprises.
08 Don’t Take Photos Without Asking
If you want to take a photo of an individual or a small group of people, always ask beforehand. And also, it’s important to know that taking pictures of police or military personnel is not the best idea.
09 Don’t Get on Your Nerves With Local Authorities
Many Peruvian police officials are poorly paid, so the acceptance of bribes, is very common. It can be frustrating dealing with them. The process is often very slow. So, just keep calm, and wait for them to finish their routine.
10 Don’t trust strangers
Don’t be too quick to trust anyone, especially when approached by a stranger. Sometimes people take advantage of foreign people and get close to you to scam you. So be careful and pay attention to these people.
Where do you want to know what not to do in next?
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