We are used to buy anything we think of, but if we’re heading to North Korea. We should bare in mind that due to the sanctions by the United Nations plus the restrictions by kim jong Un, there’re lots of products we can’t buy there.
1) Cable TV
As you can imagine, all the tv programes are monitored by the Government. In fact, they even have a strict scheadule, the tv channel starts at 3 pm. Everything that you can see has already been pre-approved, and it’s basically, news, propaganda, documentaries and the activities of their leader. So fun!
2) Smoking
In 2007, smoking was completely forbidden to avoid health issues in their former leader Kim Jong Il. However his son and actual leader has been seen several times smoking freely and with no restrictions at all.
3) Magazines
Of course, we’re talking about international magazines, forget about the ones you already know, you won’t find them. This happens to avoid being brainwashed from foreign media. So, instead, they have others controlled by their Government, full of national propaganda and the activities of their leader. Very entertaining for sure…
4) Christmas trees
The country says to support any religion custom, however, that’s not true. If you show a preference for any other religion you will have lots of really big problems. And… Christmas trees represent another religion so… you can imagine the consequences of having one.
5) Ipad
Apple company has restrictions on this country so they don’t sell their products there, also in North Korea is completely forbidden to have one or an Iphone. However, their leader Kim Jong Un is allowed to own them and he doesn’t hesitate in taking pictures with them.
6) Houses
It’s a very strange thing for us to think of a country where you can’t own a home, but… this is North Korea. So, here, the thing is that there are no builders, the army build everything, and… also, instead of buying a house, flat or whatever, you trade it. It’s forbidden to own properties.
7) Birth control methods
Many North Korean people don’t even know what they are. They used to sell them in the black market, however they don’t do that anymore because they were expensive and unknown.
8) Jeans
Yes! you heard it right! Jeans! Well, the North Korean Government controls… everything. So the style of clothing is not less. They have established a specific style that doesn’t involve jeans at all. In fact, it’s forbidden, so you won’t find them on the stores.
9) Coca cola
The real coca cola is impossible to find in this country due to the international sanctions. However, there is a fake Chinese coca cola that try to replace it on the stores. So if you are too anxious for one, maybe you can try this one.
10) Mc Donalds
No, you won’t find any Mc Donalds at all in North Korea due to the international sanctions. Sure, you can find some burguer over there, but it will never be the same. If you go there, try to eat them before you travel.
Did you already know all of these restrictions in North Korea?
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