There’s no reason that a Hawaiian vacation can’t be every bit as festive as the one you’re used to. Here are some reasons to head to Hawaii this holiday season.
1. No Snow or Rain is a Benefit
One month from now, you’re going to be miserable because the streets are slushy and the sky is gray. Why not give yourself some kind of a reprieve from the crushing cold while you can.
2. It’s Totally More Jesus-y
You should know that Jesus was born when the weather was beautiful, so there’s no crime in you enjoying beautiful weather around the date we celebrate his birthday.
3. Avoid Holiday Stress and Anxiety
The holidays are considered one of the most stressful times of the year, bar none. When you combine the location and the time of year, what you get is a holiday season that’s considerably less stressful that normal.
4. Hawaii is Always Extraordinarily Beautiful
Flowers bloom all year round in Hawaii, but in December, things are even nicer. Though it’s typically more wet than any other time of the year, the rain is still infrequent, and the weather tends to top out at around 84 degrees.
5. The Christmas Spirit is on Full Display in December
You’ll find ample places on the islands that are ready to get their Christmas on in style. Light and trees are everywhere, and the food is holiday appropriate.
6. The Obamas ALWAYS Vacation in Hawaii
The man who had the most stressful job in the world took off to Hawaii to spend his Christmases nearly every year. You may not agree with Mr. Obama’s policies, but you have to admit that’s a pretty big selling point for a Hawaiian holiday.
7. You Can Still Make Perfectly Good “Men” and “Angels”
ou don’t need a snow man when you can make a sand man. And a sand angel is much more fun to make than a snow angel (because you won’t freeze).
8. Celebrate Your Christmas in Shorts
Why not take a break from putting on six layers every time you go in and out of doors, by celebrating the holidays in flip flops? You might find it strange at first, but if you just relax and lean into it, you just might enjoy yourself.
9. It’s a Truly Unique Experience
A Christmas in Hawaii is something that can only be truly understood when it’s experienced firsthand. No matter what you’re celebrating this December, Hawaii is a getaway destination that you won’t soon forget.
10. No Hosting Duties For You
Assuming you don’t already live in Hawaii. No worrying about holiday meals, or making sure everyone is settled in your guest room. You just have to sit back and let the meals come to you.
Which of these reasons convinced you the most?
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