We tend to think that the world is not so big and that every inch of it has been step by a human. But that’s not entirely true. There still are some places non visited for human yet. Let’s see some of them.
1) Gangkhar Puensum
It is the highest mountain in Bhutan, and its name means “White Peak of the Three Spiritual Brothers”. It hasn’t been climbed yet due to its severe extreme conditions, being the last attempt in 1986. And there won´t be any more attempts because it was forbidden in 1994.
2) The Namib Desert
It is a coastal desert in southern Africa, its name means “vast place”. It only has a average of 2 mm of rain a year. There are just some indigenous pastoral groups living here, and this desert it also home of more endemic species than any other desert in the world.
3) Yucatan Cenotes
A Cenote is a natural pit resulting from the collapse of limestone bedrock that exposes groundwater underneath. Most of these Cenotes are underwater, so it’s extremely difficult to reach them. We can only imagine they might be espectacular. And stop it there, because in ancient times people used cenotes for sacred sacrifices.
4) Siberian Sakha Republic
You can find it above the artic circle representing 20% of the Russian territory, its size is 3,287 millon km². But it’s so cold and frozen, with temperatures under 40ºF, that nobody has been able to stay there.
5) Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park
It is located in Melaky Region, northwest Madagascar. Its name means “Where one can’t walk barefoot” and when you look at the landscape you don’t need to be very clever to know why. It’s home to an exceptionally large number of endemic species of plants and animals living under extreme conditions.
6) The Mariana Trench
It is located in the western Pacific Ocean and it has the deepest natural point in the world with 36,000 feet, even bigger than mount Everest. From 2009, it’s known as a United States National Monument. The only living thing over there till this moment are Xenophyophores.
7) Star Mountains
These are a mountain range in western Papua New Guinea with the most humidity range of the planet. Here, you can also find the amazing unexplored Hindenburg Wall, in which a new ecosystem was created with its subsequently creation of lots of new species that can only be found here.
8) North Sentinel Island
It is one of the Andaman Islands, under Indian jurisdiction, home to the Sentinelese, a people who have rejected any contact with the outside world. They’re not too friendly. So, if you try to go there, or simply getting close to this island, you would most probably end up with an arrow through your head.
9) Vale do Javari, Brazil
This valley is one of the largest indigenous territories in Brazil, named after the Javari River in the Amazon. It holds around 3,000 indigenous from 14 tribes who don’t even use wheels yet. And the only contact they’ve had with modern life has been a plane accident yers ago.
10) Greenland
Some places of these 800,000,000 square miles are untouched yet, in part because it’s very large,and in part because it’s mostly covered on ice being 3200 metres thick in some points. And as its population is not that big, they haven’t even try to expand themselves.
Did you know all of these unexplored places?
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