It may never have occurred to you, that out there in the big wide world, there is another city with exactly the same name as yours, yet is completely different. So stay tuned to see if your city’s doppelganger is on our list!
1) Beverly Hills, California vs.Beverly Hills, Texas
California… full of sunshine, nice houses and celebrities. We’ve all dreamt of driving through Beverly Hills like a movie star. Beverly hills, Texas, however… Well… It’s a lovely city too, but if you’re looking for the city featured on so many T.V. shows, California is your place.
2) Paris, France vs. Paris, Texas
If you are looking for the “city of love” go all the way to France! These two cities’ similarities stop at the name. Apart from a miniature eiffel tower with a cowboy hat perched on top, you won’t find the same “Magie Francaise” in the “Best Small Town in Texas”.
3) Cardiff U.K. vs. Cardiff Australia
In Australia, Cardiff was originally named Lymington, and it was a coal mining city. It wasn’t until 1889 that the Welsh settlers living in the area officially named it Cardiff, after the capital of their beloved country.
4) Lebanon vs. Lebanon, New Hampshire
It might surprise you that you don’t have to go the Middle-East to visit Lebanon. In fact, there are 47 cities in the U.S. that share this name. However, rather than a homage to the Asian country of Lebanon, they are a reference to the biblical name. The founders of the cities were very religious and they thought that Lebanon would be the perfect name.
5) Glasgow, Scotland vs. Glasgow, Montana
These cities have nothing in common. Glasgow in Scotland is a big city and industrial giant. Whereas Glasgow in Montana which was named after its Scottish counterpart, is a small city based on farming.
6) Memphis, Tennessee vs. Memphis, Egypt
Both cities have huge rivers close by, but only one has 4,500 year old pyramids. So who copied who? You guessed it. The founders of Memphis in Tennessee decided to copy the name because of the similarity between the river Mississippi and the river Nile. The difference is simple. If you want to see ancient pyramids go to Egypt and if you want great rock ‘n roll, then Tennessee is your place.
7) Springfield, New Jersey vs. Springfield, Illinois
There are not one, but 41 cities named Springfield in the U.S. which makes it the second most common name in the U.S. after Washington. Among those 41 versions there’s definitely a lot of similarities.
8) Granada, Spain vs. Grenada the Island
Granada in the South of Spain is known for its wonderful Alhambra monument and snowy mountain range. You can ski during the day and relax on the beach in the evening. Grenada the island is a sovereign state in the Caribbean. So skiing is out of the question…
9) Naples, Italy vs. Naples, Florida
In 1880 the city of Naples, Florida with its mild climate and abundant fish and game was often compared to the sunny Italian peninsula. So naming it after Naples seemed a great idea. Nowadays Naples Florida, is very popular among ecotourists.
10) Moscow, Russia vs. Moscow, Kansas
This city name in Kansas was the result of a spelling mistake! The real name should have been Mosco, after the Spanish Conquistador Luis de Moscoso. So now, there are two Moscows, but any similarity was purely down to a typo.
Do you know any other cities with the same name?
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