The caricature of the “ugly American tourist” is a much-maligned species in international travel circles. It’s not that all American tourists fit this formula, or that other nationalities don’t exhibit some unsavory characteristics. But, valid or not, Americans seem to get the brunt of the criticism for their tacky tourist ways. We’ve all witnessed variations on this theme when venturing domestically or abroad. There’s got to be a least a grain of truth to it for the cliche to perpetuate. Perhaps you’re even related to one, or are guilty of a few traits yourself. Here are 13 cringeworthy ugly American tourist stereotypes that don’t make the best ambassadors for the nation.
1. Every American Has an Opinion and They Are Not Afraid to Share It. Loudly.
It may be a gross generalization, but Americans have the reputation of being a loud, outspoken, boisterous bunch. Don’t we all have a bellowing uncle or frat buddy who fits the bill? For better or worse, many other cultures are more soft-spoken and reserved, so vociferous American travelers just trying to be friendly sometimes come across as a tad obnoxious. Turn down the volume, get off the soap box, and you’ll promote a more positive image of Americans around the world.