Inside the continental United States, the Super Bowl is a way of life. Even people who couldn’t tell you three current football players still plunk down in front of the couch to sit and watch the National Football League’s top two teams battle it out for supremacy. Outside the United States, it’s a different story. The Super Bowl might get 50 million viewers in total, but about 97 percent of them tune in from sea to shining sea. In Europe, Asia, and elsewhere, the Super Bowl is the pinnacle of “American” football. If you’re an expat or you’re traveling abroad this February, it might be comforting to bask in the glow of pigskin and commercials. If that’s the case, then head to one of the following locations for a Super Bowl celebration that’s almost like home.
1. Kult Fabrik — Berlin
The specialty hotel in Berlin, Die Kultfabrik, hosts an annual viewing of the Super Bowl that’s regularly attended by hundreds of people. There’s beer, brats, and a 40 square meter screen that makes sure to show all the commercials as well as the actual football.