If we’re being honest, cricket may just be the most under appreciated sport in the entire world. It’s dismissed out of hand by people who criticize the game as overly long and the rules as inscrutable. But those people are wrong; they’re missing out on a game that’s immersive, dramatic, and unlike anything else you can play on a field. Fortunately, there are still several worldwide destinations that understand the value of a good game of cricket. If you’re one of those enlightened people who understands the beauty of the game and you want to seek out some like-minded communities or if you want to learn more about this mystifying game, a well-planned trip is the perfect opportunity to do so. Here are some great destinations that will teach you the basics or provide some great cricket thrills for anyone who likes to see athleticism in action.
1. Barbados
The British influence is alive and well in Barbados, where cricket is thriving throughout the island nation. When you get bored lounging on the beach or hitting the island’s many nighttime hot spots, head to Kensginton Oval or Sabina Park to catch a professional or a local match.