Southwest currently has some great deals for holiday travels. Some of the flights are as low as $41 each way, with many others within the under $100 range.
Some of the deals include: Long Beach to Las Vegas for $41, Baltimore/Washington to Cincinnati or Chicago and Cincinnati for $43, Los Angeles to Tucson for $80, New York City to Indianapolis for $59, Nashville to Boston for $98, and Albany to Orlando for $116.
The travel dates that those fares can be used are a bit limited, but hey, that’s what you get with a major deal on plane tickets. The tickets can be used December 14 and 21, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, December 28 and 29, and between January 1 and 4.
That leaves out some of the more popular days for travel, but avoiding the most popular days for travel around the holidays is not necessarily a bad thing. Fewer crowds and cheaper tickets can be a pretty good deal. Flights need to be booked by November 6 to lock in these deals.