The world’s first hologram theater is coming to Hollywood. FilmOn’s Hologram USA Theater will be putting on shows from celebrities who already passed on, in the realm of Michael Jackson and Tupac holograms that have made appearances within the past few years.
The theater will be opening in a movie house from the 1920’s that is located on Hollywood Boulevard. They have plans to open many more of the theaters following this first location, possible 100 of them. They also believe they’ll be able to bring the technology into normal theaters as well.
Billie Holiday and Jackie Wilson are two deceased stars with hologram shows in the works. Hologram USA owner Alki David released a statement about their vision.
“At Hologram USA we are re-imagining entertainment – bringing beloved superstars back to perform and providing unbelievable spectacles for our audiences. There are no limits to the kind of content and events that our hologram technology can bring new life to.”