It’s possible that the entry fees at U.S. national parks could increase significantly. The National Park Service has suggested the rise at over 12 parks in the year 2018.
The new suggested rates would be $30 per person, $70 per vehicle, and $50 per motorcycle. It’s a sharp increase from current rates where individuals can get in for around $10. Raising the rates could bring in an extra $70 million that would go towards things like “improvements to aging infrastructure.”
The price change, however, would not affect people who have season passes. Those would still be available for $80 and would become an even better deal than they are now. U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke released a statement about the opportunity.
“The infrastructure of our national parks is aging and in need of renovation and restoration. Targeted fee increases at some of our most-visited parks will help ensure that they are protected and preserved in perpetuity and that visitors enjoy a world-class experience that mirrors the amazing destinations they are visiting.”