Some drone footage off the coast of Western Australia‘s Red Bluff Beach caught hundreds of sharks swimming just below a group of kids playing in the ocean. Photographer Sean Scott was not aware until he watched the footage.
Instead of being alarmed by the sight, he explained that he was impressed.
“Watching these beautiful sharks flourish in their natural environment was a privilege to see. There was a huge bait ball that attracted hundreds of mainly bronze whaler sharks. What really impressed me was how people and the sharks were co-existing side by side.”
The sharks were gathering in the area because of a bait ball of fish that was close by. He said that the sharks showed “no interest in them and were happy concentrating on the bait ball.”
“I really hope it shows that, in a healthy environment like we had there, with so many fish and not over-fished places, that the sharks can live side by side with the people,” he said. “You’ve just got to use a bit of common sense. Give them a wide berth and leave them to themselves, it seems to work great.”