These days it seems like drones are popping up everywhere. From the little fellas swooping through backyards to their brawnier military cousins, unmanned aerial vehicles represent the future. For good reason, of course. Drones provide the thrill of soaring through the sky without actually having to take your feet off the ground. Even if you don’t own one of these nifty, little machines, there’s a lot to be gained from taking in the sites through the lens of a drone. Now, some innovative travel enthusiasts are using their drones to capture some of the world’s most beautiful landscapes from a fresh, high definition perspective. Here, for your consideration, are some of the world coolest drone photos.
1. Water Rushing Over Niagara Falls, New York
Straddling the border between the United States and Canada, Niagara Falls is a beautiful natural wonder. More than 3,000 tons of water flows over the edge of Niagara Falls every second.