Lots of countries claim to love liberty, but which ones actually practice it best? The London-based Legatum Institute actually analyzed this, and has come up with a ranking of the freest countries in the world. They’ve tabulated each nation’s regard for personal freedom based on surveys on social tolerance, civil liberty, free choice, and citizens’ satisfaction with their freedom of choice. As freedom is the cornerstone of America, you might think it’s time to chant “USA number one!” here. However, you’ll be surprised how far down the list the nation appears. Want to know where the lands of the free really are? Feel free to read on.
1. Canada
Like the national anthem says, Canada really is the True North, strong and free. And as Neil Young says, keep on rocking in the free world! Canadians are generally too polite and humble to brag about it, but the country is tops when it comes to citizens’ sense of personal freedom and ability to choose the course of their lives.