7. Anti-Theft Luggage
These days everyone seems to own a black Samsonite, a fact which always causes confusion as these boring generic travel bags are dumped onto the luggage belt. What’s more, you greatly increase the chance of your belongings being mistakenly stolen with mainstream suitcases. Improve security and style in fell swoop with an individual vintage suitcase. There’s a good chance you’ll never find another one like it.

6. They Improve With Age
If the molded plastic handle on your wheely suitcase breaks, that’s it, it’s finished! Whereas, if your awesome vintage case gets worn or damaged it will actually improve the look.

5. Leather is Better
Leather is a much nicer material to use and is arguably more durable then plastic and fibre composites.

4. They Look Great with Stickers
Vintage suitcases look great with stickers and labels and suggest a more romantic view of travel. For those that truly enjoy the whole experience of getting away and seeing new sites.

3. Stackability

Back in the day, suitcase designers were not obsessed with constantly re-defining bag shape and materials used in an unnecessary race to re-define luggage. The result is that vintage suitcases stack well and look great when stacked.

Modern luggage does not stack. As anyone who has tried to place more than one Samsonite on a trolley at the airport will know.
2. Louis Vuitton Bet the Farm on This Look
With a brand value of $28.4 Billion, Louis Vuitton is the most powerful fashion brand in the world. And what is the secret of their success? Yep, you guessed it: vintage luggage. The “vintage luggage look” which Louis Vuitton’s designers are constantly copying and re-making defines the look of all of their products. Of course, the joke is that today, your thousand dollar LV bag is now made of plastic. It only looks vintage.

1. They’re Beautiful
Vintage suitcase are beautiful. Vintages suitcases instantly make you appear a more seasoned and stylish traveller.