A rainforest isn’t something that comes to mind when thinking of Australia. Australia inspires images of desert scrubland and kangaroos. Thinking of rainforests might bring to mind the famous tropical rainforests of Madagascar or the Amazon Basin. Much of Australia is desert scrubland, but Australia is also home to a rich variety of rainforests filled with life. The unique life in Australia makes for unique forests. Here are ten of the many amazing Australian rainforests.
Springbrook Rainforest
The Springbrook Rainforest of Queensland is a mix of warm temperate rainforest and sub-tropical rainforest. The temperate parts of the rainforest are filled with coachwood trees, and the sub-tropical areas are composed of booyong trees. Many waterways wind through the forest and give way to multiple waterfalls.
One unique feature of this rainforest is the Natural Bridge. The Natural Bridge was naturally created by a waterfall. It cut out part of a cave leaving a natural arch stone bridge. The bridge is made even more magical by the colony of glow worms larvae. Visitors are allowed in the cave with a tour guide.