We all want to get a good deal on expenses like car insurance. A number of factors affect the annual premiums for car insurance. These include the climate, the number of motorists on the roadways, the public transportation system in the area, the crime rate, as well as the number of uninsured drivers in the area. Interested in learning which US cites offer the cheapest premiums? Read through the top 13 US cities for cheap car insurance. How does your city compare?
13. Albuquerque, New Mexico
Average Annual Premium: $1,442.01
With a population of nearly 546,000 people, Albuquerque is the most populated city in New Mexico and the 32nd largest city in the U.S. This centrally located city which is bordered by the Sandia Mountains on the east, is home to the University of New Mexico, the Kirtland Air Force Base, the Sandia National Laboratories and the Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute.