It would be foolish to suggest that Colombia doesn’t have a bit of a stigma associated with it. Most regard the country as the domain of criminals rather than an exciting tourist destination — unless your idea of a fun vacation was being snatched out of a rickety bus in the middle of a rainforest. For a long time, Colombia was indeed unsafe. In 2017, however, Colombia has made amazing strides to tighten security and eliminate its more undesirable professions (like coca farmer). That means that Colombia’s rich natural beauty and vibrant culture are once again safe for average travelers to enjoy. That’s great news, because there are a lot of great reasons to take a trip to Colombia as soon as possible. Here are some of the best.
1. The People Are World Class
It’s time to really shake of your perception of Colombia as Pablo Escobar’s backyard. Fortunately, should you decide to visit Colombia, you’ll find that its people are some of the most generous and friendly on the planet. They also have a reputation for being of above average attractiveness, as well. Just hit the nightlife in Bogota to see proof of that. Oh, speaking of …