For those consumed by wanderlust, there’s no destination they wouldn’t mind visiting. But for some reason, Djibouti in the Horn of Africa is never at the top of most travelers’ bucket list. Occupying a small corner of the coast, Djibouti is the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. From its vast lakes to the beauty of the capital city, here are 10 reasons why you need to visit Djibouti.
1. The Exotic Wildlife
In most countries in Africa, there’s an array of wildlife, and Djibouti is no different. In Day Forest in Goda Massif, you can spot the Djibouti francolin – an endangered bird that can only be found in this country. There’s also a wide variety of warthogs, leopards, camels, donkeys, vervet monkeys, and raptors.