4. Pyramids of Egypt
No list of man-made mysteries could exclude the Egyptian pyramids, the only wonder of the ancient world that still stands today. Egyptologists may have an understanding as to why these 4000 year old pharaoh burial tombs were built, but how exactly they accomplished this extraordinary feat is perplexing. About 2.5 million limestone or granite blocks weighing 2.6 tons each were somehow transported from Aswan quarries 600 miles away. There is no archeological evidence that tools capable of cutting through this kind of rock existed at the time (even today’s industrial-strength steel saws would be hard pressed to do it). And how were these mega-blocks hoisted up to the 500ft summit, not to mention precisely aligned with the stars? Then there are all those curses, injuries and deaths for those who dared disturb the sacred tombs. Pondering the rumors, legends and unanswered questions will keep you up at night – and perhaps make you a believer in paranormal pyramid power.