Though they might be the product of negotiations and the imagination of world leaders, our international borders are nonetheless extremely important. Countries around the world define themselves, define their identity, define their sense of security based on where their borders fall. As a result, countries have long celebrated the points where they meet their neighbors, turning these seemingly arbitrary lines into tourist locations and gathering points across the world.
1. If You’d Like to See the Black and White Difference Between a Nation With Super Divergent Deforestation Rules, Just Look at the Border Between Haiti (the Wasteland on the Left), and the Dominican Republic (Tolkien’s Forest on the Right)

2. Here’s the Border Between Australia and … Well, Everywhere. It’s Pretty Secure.

3. At the Border Between Macau and China, They Had To Install a Pit Stop to Allow Drivers to Switch Lanes, Because Chinese People Drive on the Right Side of the Road While the Residents of Macau Drive on the Left

4. Satellite Photos of the Border Between South Korea and North Korea (aka, the Black Spot) Illustrate the Differences Between Countries that Are Run By Sane People, and Countries That Are Not

5. The Borders of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay Meet At a River’s Fork

6. The Border Between Vatican City and Italy is Marked By St. Peter’s Square Which Puts it Firmly in the Running for Most Gorgeous Borders in the World

7. The US-Mexico Border Boasts More Crossings than Any Other Border in the World, With 350 Million Legal Crossings

8. In All the World, There is Only One Spot Where Four Countries Come Together In One Place. That’s the Border Between Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana

9. The Border Between Slovakia, Austria, and Hungary is So Calm that Tourists Can Stop and Actually Take Time to Have a Truly International Meal

10. Colloquially known as the Three-Country Cairn, This Stone Monument Marks the Point Where Finland, Norway, and Sweden Come Together

11. In Addition to Being the Tallest Point in the World, The Absolute Tip of Mt. Everest Also Forms a Natural Border Between Nepal and China

12. The Border Between Belgium and the Netherlands is So Relaxed That There Is Literally No Border Control. In the Town of Baarie, For Example, the International Border Runs Directly Through a Pub

13. There’s Actually a Zipline Connecting the Border Between Spain and Portugal, So Now Tourists Can Get a Flesh-Eating Bacteria While they Trot the Globe

14. The Border Between India and Pakistan is So Hotly Contested That Not Even the Clouds Can Mingle Freely

15. The Military Controlled Border Between Afghanistan and Pakistan is Marked By Torkham Gate, a Centuries Old Crossing Between the Two Countries

16. Massive Geological Oddity Mount Roraima Forms a Threeway Border Between Venezuela, Brazil, and Guyana

17. This Lone Statue of Jesus Christ is the Dividing Point Between Argentina and Chile

18. Technically This Unassuming Wooden Pathway Marks the Infamous Border Between Germany and Poland, Though You’d Be Forgiven For Getting Distracted By the Beautiful Baltic Sea Spreading Before You

19. While the US-Mexico is the Busiest Border in the World, the US-Canada Border Also Holds a Record, as the World’s Longest International Border

20. High Fences Run Along the Border Between Spain and Morocco Because of the Rising Issue of Illegal Immigration

21. Welcome to Zero Degrees Latitude! It’s Not a Political Border, But it Does Mark the Natural Border Between the North and South Equators

22. The Sprawling Karawanks Mountain Range Forms an Impressive Natural Border Between Austria and Slovenia

23. Norway and Sweden Don’t Particularly Care if You Travel Freely Between Them, They Just Cut a Line in the Vast Forests of Both Countries to Note the Distinction (And Create an Incredibly Long Snowmobile Path