If the recent regime change of the past few months has got you thinking like never before about moving away from the growing conflagration people once called the United States, then you’re not alone. Before Donald Trump was even elected, one poll showed that almost 30 percent of Americans would seriously consider moving to another country if the Donald brought home the win. Of course, what’s the point in running away from a Trump administration when it’s kind of obvious that the entire planet is about to take a big, bad hit over the next four years? No, the best way to insure that you’re fully insulated from the coming calamity is to take up residence on an island of your own. Ridiculous pipe dream, you say? Not at all; there are tons of private islands that are extremely affordable. You can worry about food shipments, potable water, internet, building a home, having indoor plumbing, etc. at another time. That’ll all fall into place later. What’s important right now is making sure that you’re far, far away from here when the stuff hits the spinning blades. If you want to do it right, here are some fully insulated private islands you can purchase for a shockingly low sticker price, as well as a few it’ll be fun to dream about.