Have you ever been so utterly exhausted in transit at an airport that you lose all sense of dignity and decorum? You’ve been on the go or stuck waiting for countless hours and don’t know or care what time zone you’re in anymore. All you know is you just have to collapse your weary body and get some shut-eye, anyhow, anywhere, dirty floor be damned. If you haven’t experienced this level of mind-numbing fatigue yourself, no doubt you’ve walked pass some poor drooling schlub in your rush through the concourse. Don’t judge them for their flailing ways. Take pity on their clumsy contortions and, if you have any compassion, give them a mental message in the crick of their necks. Here are some snapshots of people caught in awkward sleeping positions in airports around the world.
1. The Forward Lean
Someone should check her pulse to make sure she’s still breathing.

2. The Mutual Pillow
At least they’re in this together.

3. Just Gotta Get Prone
She seems to have found a quiet out-of-the-way corner, but you’d have to be pretty shattered to lie face down on this natty carpet.

4. Praying for Sleep
This combo of floor and chair is actually one of the more comfortable options we’ve seen.

5. Drop Dead Tired
This guy didn’t even have the wherewithal to scooch over to the side of the hallway.

6. The Group Spoon
They look so peaceful in their fetal positions, don’t they?

7. Wall of Suitcases
This snoozer made a fortress of privacy around her with her luggage.

8. Pillow Head
We’re not quite sure what that contraption is on his head, but we want one.

9. Not the Best Location Choice, Boys
Kudos for the comfy sleeping bags, but setting up camp right under the check-in kiosks is just stupid.

10. Catch Some Rays and Some Zzzs
Might as well get a head start on that vacation tan.

11. The Human Pretzel
Crossed arms and crossed legs. He may regret this when he wakes up and has to unfurl his stiff limbs.

12. Sleeping In Line
You know you’re beyond tired when you can’t even make it through the luggage line before nodding off.

13. The Suitcase Sleeper
That can’t be comfortable. Kind of makes passersby uncomfortable, too.

14. Rock Hard Angles
Airport designers could at least ensure a little padding on their seats. This doesn’t look inviting for sitting or sleeping.

15. Container Cot
At least he found an out of the way place to curl up.

16. Keep Your Shirt On
We’re all for getting as comfortable as possible, but taking your shirt of to sleep in the airport is crossing the line.

17. Under the Arm Rests
These seems risky. One wrong move and she could be decapitated.

18. Nose in a Book
Must be a dull read, or she’s so exhausted she flopped forward mid-paragraph.

19. The Precarious Puddle
This poor guy is one sleepy roll-over away from getting wet.

20. St. Paddy’s Day Sleep-off
We’re not sure if these guys are jet lagged or hungover. Probably both. That’s a bad combo.