Earth is home to too many wondrous sights to experience in a single lifetime. Of course, our awesome planet is also home to some really crap destinations, too. Even some of those sights and places that have been built in the cultural zeitgeist to be show-stopping are well and truly disappointing. The Mona Lisa is underwhelming, the Sistine Chapel is too dark, and Mount Rushmore is tiny. Also, all but like three rooms of the Tate Modern are totally missable. For those of us with limited travel time and even more limited travel resources, it’s important to know which of these destinations is truly worth visiting, and which can be missed. Thankfully, a legion of honest redditors have done their homework and reported in. Here, for your consideration, are some of reddit’s most hated destinations.
1. Singapore’s Sentosa Beach Is Like a Bad Sci-Fi Novel
magnora4: “Sentosa beach in Singapore. So messed up. It’s all fancy and hyper-developed and connected to one of the largest malls on earth (Vivo Mall), but you get to the beach via monorail and you get to the little sand that’s not built up in to stores… and then you look out to the ocean and all you see is oil tankers and factories spewing smoke on the horizon. It was like some sort of futuristic dystopia.”