How much do you really know about Luxembourg? The tiny nation sandwiched between Belgium, Germany, and France doesn’t get a whole lot of attention in the international press, so you’d be forgiven for, say, forgetting that it was its own sovereign nation and not just a big city in northern France. Well, Luxembourg is totally a country, and it’s gorgeous (and super rich) to boot. If you’re looking for a European vacation that stands apart from the rest, then you should absolutely spend some time in this strikingly beautiful land-locked nation. If you’ve already got Luxembourg on your itinerary, then here are some things to occupy your time when you get there.
1. Set Up Your HQ in the Capital, Luxembourg City
Originally built as a medieval fortress, Luxembourg City has sprawled slowly across a picturesque valley that’s spanned by several beautiful bridges. The city is also filled with several free activities for the historically-minded traveler (a few of which we’ll highlight in the next few pages). Expect to spend some time on your feet to get the most out of Luxembourg City, but the stroll will be worth it. The area’s rich history and incredible beauty is best experienced at a slow crawl with no plan in sight. Just spend some time wandering around and enjoying the area’s incredible texture.